Get Involved



VOLUNTEER - Provide childcare during meetings, and or provide meal/snack for the meetings

SKILLS – Help young YMM by sharing your knowledge. We are constantly seeking new guests to educate us on parenting issues, financial stability or personal book-keeping skills, creating resumes, or basic FIX-IT tool awareness and skills, If you have expertise in something you think is valuable to share or introduce us to – we want to hear about it!
OFFER a new experience – do you have animals to share, can you help them attend musical event, holiday event, host a cooking class or special event that exposes moms and or their children to something they wouldn’t encounter on their own? We would love to hear from you!


Diapers, Meal Gift Cards – grocery stores and restaurants, Gas Gift Cards, Visa Gift Cards to help with cell phone bills, electric bills and such (preventing the loss of these things creates stability and circumvents a spiral into deeper, harder circumstances), gently used clothes for baby, toddler or child, accessories like car seats and high chairs, cribs, toys etc.

Make a Donation

Your support is needed!
Young Moms Marin is a grass roots response to an invisible community that can be greatly strengthened with support! YMM has no regular funding stream. Teresa has been providing programs since 2006 as a volunteer and using donated resources and Volunteers Only.
Your donation is critical help in times of crisis, or to offset needs of the group, or to provide a new opportunity that the young moms couldn’t consider without your help.